Friday, November 17, 2006

Read NTFS from centos 4.3

My distro was fedora core 4 than my friend come to my home and bring me CD's installation of Centos 4.3 .So from now on my computer is there is windows xp and centos 4.3 .Until that day when i want to see my document (in my windows xp)i can't get it because my linux dont know the NTFS filesystem.But don't worry linux is the good Operating system we can see the NTFS filesystem with litlething to do

The first thing, I’m using the current release of CentOS Linux, version 4.3. Apparently, this requires the same download as RedHat Enterprise 4. Now, before you start downloading this file, run this command to check what your kernel version,by type :

[root@localhost ~]#uname -r -p

You should get 2.6.9-34.EL i686 as your result. If so, download the corrseponding NTFS RPM from here .And find for suitable for your kernel version.

checking your installation

The instructions ask us to verify the install before proceeding, so run the command below:

[root@localhost ~]#/sbin/modprobe ntfs

and if the result is like below:

[root@localhost ~]# /sbin/modprobe ntfs

[root@localhost ~]#

that's mean is good!

then type this:

[root@localhost ~]# cat /proc/filesystems

and you can check the output for NTFS. If you see NTFS

that's mean good,now we can continue to mount the NTFS filesystem

Mounting Your NTFS Volume

OK , before you mount it , you have to create a directory in Linux as your Mount Point. This will be the entry point to the NTFS volume, which you’d previously accessed through C:\ or D:\. To create the mount point:

[root@localhost ~]#mkdir /mnt/windows

Then you link the NTFS volume to the mount you just created:

[root@localhost ~]#mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows -t ntfs -r -o umask=0222

if we want to mount NTFS automatically we must edit file on /etc/fstab
OK from now on we can read NTFS file system on our CentOS 4.3

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